When hiring new staff for your company, the type of contract, working hours or salary must be considered. At Contreras y Asociados we will advise you throughout the process to ensure that you minimize your company’s labor costs while complying with current regulations.
The services we provide in the work area are:
- Advice on regulations and legislation, collective agreements, hiring and Social Security.
- Labor Inspections, appearance before the Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Service.
- Procedures before the Social Courts.
- Register, deregister and variation of data of workers or companies before the Social Security.
- Parts of accident, illness, maternity and paternity.
- Preparation of employment contracts and extensions, and processing before the SEPE (formerly INEM).
- Preparation of payroll and extra payments.
- Settlements and company certificates for unemployment
- Preparation of social insurance and processing before Social Security
- Letters of dismissal
- Preparation and processing of quarterly and annual retention of workers and professionals models
- Payroll Certificates.